Instructions for the Immortal or what to do, if you still die

Instructions for the Immortal or what to do, if you still die
(Инструкция для бессмертных или что делать, если вы все-таки умерли…)

Текст: на английском языке
Издательство: Миссионерский центр имени иерея Даниила Сысоева, Москва
Год издания: 2012
ISBN: 978-5-4279-0002-7
Тираж: 10000

Формат 70х100/32 (120 мм х 170 мм); 96 страниц; гибкая обложка из тонкого картона; офсетная бумага
The book with such an unusual name, written by the famous priest and missionary father Daniel Sysoev has shortly become a bestseller. What should we do if we have, nevertheless, died? Unfortunately, many people try to avoid the question of death that is still, however, inescapable. According to the Revelation of God and the experience of the Church, father Daniel reveals quite a rational picture of human soul transition from mortality to eternity. The author gives us advice how to behave correctly in such and important moment for every human being, how not to be afraid, how to pass the Aerial toll, and what will wait us after the death. Also the author describes the Church doctrine about heaven and hell.

This edition has the new second part that concerns the soul in the afterlife. This book may be interesting for all who are reluctant about life after death. It may be a good present for your friend that is still an unbeliever, cause it makes even the unbelievers to meditate upon this problem.

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